Newsletter October 2011
by Bernhard Gehberger
Dear tango enthusiast,
this is Bernhard from Vienna with a new edition of the monthly newsletter about DJ-ing, special tango CDs, tango dancing and much more. From now on the newsletter will be divided in three chapters. You can jump straight to one of them by clicking the headline. If the newsletter is not displayed correctly you might consider reading the online version. Enjoy!
DJ-ing & dancing tango
- DJ-ing schedule
- Tanda discussion
- Recommended international tango events
CD-reviews & news
Between all the CDs there are plenty of soundsamples "hidden". So look out for the little play-buttons! (only on website)
- Big batch of CDs compiled by discographies of orchestras
- Sondor CDs finally arrived
- CTA-News (Japanese CD label)
- AMP-News (Japanese CD label)
- Old World Tangos Vol. 1-3
- Finally the Spanish version of my Flyer "Los códigos de la milonga"
- Almost 100 different countries visiting
DJ-ing & dancing tango
DJ-ing schedule for October
On the occasion of almost completing all recordings of the Rodríguez discography, I thought of a probably quite funny Rodríguez special for the upcoming milonga in Galeria Ideal. And since last month was cancelled, meanwhile there are plenty of rare gems waiting as well..
Sun., 16th of Oct. | Pradamano / Italy | Tangomarathon La Experiencia Milonguera |
Fri., 21st of Oct. | Vienna / Austria | Galeria Ideal - Special: Enrique Rodríguez |
Fri., 28th of Oct. | Berlin / Germany | Milonga NOU-Tango |
Tanda discussion
This time I will discuss three tandas I played recently at the regular Friday milonga at Galeria Ideal here in Vienna.
Recently somebody asked in a DJ-mailinglist how to combine "El rey del bosque" by Francisco Canaro, which is quite a tricky one indeed. I personally think that there are three ways to deal with it. The traditional way would be not to play it at all. (especially not when DJ-ing a strictly traditional milonga crowd) A second option could be to play it with three similar "strange" recordings of 3 other orchestras, or finding 3 other suitable Canaro recordings of course. I played it recently trying to combine it with 3 other special Canaro recordings like so:
- Sentimiento gaucho - Orquesta Francisco Canaro - Francisco Canaro (1940) - (CTA-773) - Tango
- Echale sal - Orquesta Francisco Canaro - 1941 - Francisco Canaro (1941) - (CTA-774) - Tango
- Reliquias porteñas - Orquesta Francisco Canaro - 1941 - Instrumentales de Colección - Reliquias (473886) - Tango
- El rey del bosque - Orquesta Francisco Canaro - 1939 - Francisco Canaro 1929-1947 - BATC (orq 252) - Tango Sinfónico
The idea was this: The first one is a basically known and driving instrumental recording from 1940 "tricking" people into the tanda.. The second, "Echale sal" 1941 has a similar feeling like the first but is also quite rare and unknown. So most dancers will not know this one, but it is still a regular tango and there is no question about danceability. The third one "Reliquias porteñas" is getting more special being a Tango potpourri. So this recording consists of different parts of tangos being mixed together. I consider it danceable, but the feeling will be unusual for the dancers. Meanwhile most dancer should have noticed that this tanda is going to be some kind of a special tanda. And then as last one "El rey del bosque" which is obviously the climax of this unusual tanda. According to Christoph Lanner's discography of Canaro this recording is referred to as a "Tango Sinfónico". There are other tangos sinfónicos which are clearly not danceable to my opinion. Whereas I do think that "El rey del bosque" is an exception and basically danceable when placed within a "special tanda".
Another special tanda was built to play "La rumbita candombé" by the Hawaiian Serenaders from 1942. Since to me this recording is closest to a milonga candombe this was going to be a milonga candombe tanda to be played instead of a regular milonga tanda. Obviously there are not four suitable tracks by the Hawaiian Serenaders, so this tanda had to be a "ronda de ases" with four recordings of different orchestras.
- Candombe - Orquesta Francisco Canaro con Carlos Roldán - 1943 - Milonga Candombe
- Carnavalito (Quebradeño) - Orquesta Lucio Demare con Raúl Berón - 1943 - Milonga
- Azabache - Orquesta Francisco Lomuto con Jorge Omar y Fernando Díaz - 1942 - Milonga Candombe
- La rumbita candombé - Hawaiian Serenaders con Osvaldo Novarro - 1942 - Milonga Candombe
That tanda started fittingly with the milonga candombe called "Candombe" by Francisco Canaro, being followed by Carnavalito by Demare, Azabache by Lomtuo and then as last and special one "La rumbita candombé" by the Hawaiian Serenaders with Osvaldo Novarro. You might have to take care with this arrangement in case people are used to dance only 3 milongas (or being rather inexperienced to dance to rather uncommon recordings), then chances are very high that they will consider "La rumbita candombé" to be the cortina.. :) Still I consider it to be suitable to challenge dancers and spice up the athmosphere given the right moment and crowed.
The milonga ended with rather rare and unknown instrumental recordings of Lomuto starting again with a fittingly title:
- Lomuto - Orquesta Francisco Lomuto - 1940 - Tango
- Recuerdo - Orquesta Francisco Lomuto - 1941 - Tango
- Condena (S.O.S.) - Orquesta Francisco Lomuto - 1937 - Tango
- Chitarra romana (Guitarra romana) - Orquesta Francisco Lomuto - 1939 - Tango
Also this tanda was built on purpose to play the last recording, which is I just discovered recently.
I want to point out that ~90% of the tandas are just regular, common, "bullet-proofed" tandas. Please don't get this wrong to think that it is desireable to play most or all tandas as "special" as those discussed here. I believe that this would lead to a milonga feeling of "forced creativity", where most dancers would feel being lost. So I try not to go with more than one or two tandas I'd consider to be "strange" or "special" ones.
I am looking forward to reading your feedback about this - let my know your ideas! (Please mind the new possibility to leave your comment on the website where this newsletter is published online)
Recommended upcoming international tango events
The ultimate event for a tango-weekend-connoisseur:
by Alessandra and Marco at Villa Giacomelli in Pradamano near Udine. It will take place again on 14th to 17th of October! Registration mandatory. (you may want to try to register as a couple since single followers are not accepted any more)
One of my favorite events each year:
There is the lovely regular Thursday milonga beforehand, on Friday you may choose out of various local milongas, the big saturday night birthday milonga lasting for up to 12 hours and a Sunday afternoon milonga afterwards. No registration necessary, just come and enjoy!
Of course there are plenty of special events during christmas and New Year! For some you have to be fast in order to get a ticket, for others you are too late already.. ;)
- 15th of Dec. - 18th of Dec.: Tango Festival Zagreb (with Julio Balmaceda!)
- 30th of Dec. - 1st of Jan.: Tango New Year Vienna - Tangofest - Galeria Ideal - Vienna / Austria
- 26th of Dec. - 30th of Dec.: Tangomagia Festival & Marathon - Amsterdam / Netherlands
- Academia de Tango New Year's Eve Salon - Amsterdam / Netherlands
- New Year Tango Marathon El Corte - Nijmegen / Netherlands (registration mandatory)
- 29th of Dec. - 1st of Jan.: Berlin Tango Marathon New Year 2012 (registration mandatory)
CD-reviews & news
Big batch of CDs compiled by discographies of orchestras
In the beginning of September I finally received my first big batch of ~150 CDs containing plenty of missing recordings. A big thank you goes to Gordon helping me getting those! Plenty of those CDs and their tracklistings are online meanwhile. Below there is a list of added tracklistings and some comments of how these CDs (together with what I had already) are completing the recordings listed by discographies.
- 19 CDs of Julio De Caro - Sello RCA Victor (1924-34), Brunswick (1929-32), Odeón (1935-41)
complete lots of titles of the discography, 9 titles from 1942-1944 and 2 from 1928 are still missing.
El entrerriano, Orquesta Julio De Caro, 1930, Tango
- 18 CDs of Miguel Caló Vol. 1 to 18 (1932-1972)
almost complete the discography (missing one tango "Tal vez (Adiós en flor)")
Percal, Orquesta Miguel Caló con Lucho Gatica, 1965, Tango
- 18 CDs of Enrique Rodríguez - Sello Odeón Vol. 01-18 (1937-1971)
almost complete the discography, missing: "En un bosque de la china", Corrido, 1942, and two titles with unknown genre: "Pensarte para que" and "Que tiempo tan feliz".
Color punzo, Orquesta Enrique Rodríguez con Armando Moreno, 1967, Milonga Candombe
- 9 CDs of Ricardo Tanturi Vol. 1 to Vol. 9 (1937-1966)
complete the discography
Este es tu tango, Orquesta Ricardo Tanturi con Roberto Videla, 1945, Tango
- 6 CDs of Orquesta Típica Victor - Sello Victor Vol. 17-22 (1933-1944)
almost complete the discography, missing: "Ferdinando el toro", vals, 1939, "Montevideo", tango, 1930 and "Una mirada", tango, 1930.
Uno que ha sido marino, Orquesta Típica Victor con Osvaldo Moreno y Lito Bayardo, 1944, Vals - 4 CDs of Carlos Di Sarli Vol. 16 (1954) to Vol. 19 (1958)
- 4 CDs of Lucio Demare Vol. 1 to Vol. 4 (1938-1955)
- 4 CDs of Pedro Laurenz Vol. 1 to Vol. 4 (1937-1966)
completet the discography for these years, missing recordings from 1925-1926
Quedate tranquilo, Orquesta Pedro Laurenz con Martín Podestá, 1941, Tango - 2 CDs of Juan D'Arienzo Sello Electra Vol. 01 & Vol. 2 (1928-1929)
complete most early recordings of the discography - 1 CD of Ricardo Pedevilla (1950-1953)
- 1 CD of Roberto Zerrillo (1934-1943)
- 1 CD of Pepe Aguirre - Década del '40
- 1 CD of Ángel D'Agostino Vol. 7 (1953-1963) Sello RCA Victor, Svelt
complete most late recordings of the discography - 1 CD of Ricardo Malerba Vol. 3 (1956-1961)
complete the discography - 1 CD of Francisco Lauro (1947-1952)
Despite the fact that I worked hard and long throughout September I did not finish all of them. 40 CDs of Osvaldo Fresedo and the first batch of a really huge Francisco Canaro collection are waiting to be taken care of in October.
Preview: In the end of November, beginning of December I expect to be able to receive the rest of the Canaro collection (~120CDs) as well as 31 Firpo CDs.
Sondor CDs arrived
Finally my order of Sondor CDs overcame all obsticales. These CDs are in stock from now on. For tracklistings and information please take a look at my page of Sondor CDs.
El Tango de los 40 - inéditos de Sondor (82002)
Mi vieja linda, Orquesta Emilio Pellejero con Enalmar De María, 1941, milonga
La Cumparsita - Miguel Villasboas
Tangos y Milongas - Miguel Villasboas
Grandes Éxitos - Miguel Villasboas
Me gusta bailar Milonga - Miguel Villasboas
Miguel Villasboas en Japón - Miguel Villasboas
La cumparsita, Miguel Villasboas y Wáshington Quintas Moreno, Tango
Tango ! (Compilation)
I also got myself three new CDs, a review of those might be in the upcoming newsletter.
- Tangos para la historia 1944-1948 - Grandes Orquestas Típicas Uruguayas
- Candombes - Tangos y Paso Dobles Uruguayos - Julio Arregui
- El Tango, La Milonga - Pepe Guerra
As published on the CTA-news page 13th of September, CTA is going to be closed for October. So I can not order any CDs until beginning of November. Despite the terrible exchange rate EUR-JPY I ordered some CTA-CDs to restock. Please check the news on homepage or the CD in stock page during the next weeks in case you are interested in getting those.
Update of CTA-CDs not available any more:
- CTA-111, Orquesta Típica Victor Vol. 11
Preview: I was able to buy some CTA CDs from a collector. Most likely I'll receive them in the end of November. If everything is ok with those CDs I will make a special offer to mailinglist-recipients only! First come first served.
During the last month I was able to get another small batch of quite special AMP CDs. So the following 9 AMP CDs have been added. You may also find a soundsample and tracklistings on my AMP catalogue page.
Pasión De Tango Vol. 8 - AMP (CD-1226)
Leyenda Tanguera De Europa Vol. 2 - AMP (CD-1229)
Trío Argentino Irusta-Fugazot-Demare y su Orquesta Típica Argentina - La cumparsita - AMP (CD-1230)
Realidad De Tango Vol. 1 - AMP (CD-1235R)
Realidad De Tango Vol. 2 - AMP (CD-1236R)
Mitología Del Tango Vol. 2 - AMP (CD-1254)
Orchestre Argentin Bianco-Bachicha Vol. 2 - Crepúsculo - AMP (CD-1258)
Orquesta Típica Victor III - Memorial Del Tango 24 - AMP (CD-1264M)
Hembra, Orquesta Típica Victor con Antonio Buglione, 1928, Tango
Orchestre Argentin Eduardo Bianco Vol. 2 - Un beso - AMP (CD-1270)
Old World Tangos Vol. 1 to 3 (label Oriente Musik)
Talk shopping tango stuff with Julian Ingram he pointed me to these CDs published under Oriente Musik. If you are interested in what was going on in Europe tangowise this is one of the best places to start your research! These CDs feature booklets up to 40 pages being even stronger than the Harlequin ones, translated in up to three languages giving extensive information about the artists and recordings throughout Europe. The overall quality of this product is exceptional.
I do not understand why people are paying (and therefore asking for) bad quality mp3 files getting hardly any information and a small cover picture for more or less the same money they could get an album like this one with a booklet of 40 pages and extensive information about the music and artists. I am very much afraid that labels will do less and less effort in creating products like this if customers are fine with some 0.99 EUR mp3 (not even with a given bitrate, but just any) and a small picture as cover. And even worse thinking that this is a bargain.
You may find tracklistings of these CDs and a pdf-document of a scanned booklet on my page for various lables.
Old World Tangos Vol. 1 - Echoes from afar - Oriente Musik RIEN CD 20
(Booklet of 20 pages)
Old World Tangos Vol. 2 - Tango alla Romanesque - Oriente Musik RIEN CD 40
(Booklet of 12 pages)
Old World Tangos Vol. 3 - Polskie Tango 1929-1939 - Oriente Musik RIEN CD 55
(Booklet of 40 pages!)
Finally the Spanish version of my Flyer "Los códigos de la milonga"
With this Spanish version this flyer is available in English, Spanish, German, French and Russian! You may reprint this flyer without modification, or use it on your website as long as you mention the origin and place a link to
Newsletter commenting feature
From now on there is a new commenting functionality at the end of the online version of each newsletter. This is mend for discussing topics of the newsletter as well as offering a possibility to ask for more information of the topics presented. I am looking forward to receiving your comments!
Almost 100 different countries visiting
I knew that my website is visited by lots of people from all over the world, but after tweaking the configuration file of the website statistics it was possible to see all of them which are almost 100 different countries! I am happy to have so many visitors from literally all over the world!
Russische Foederation
El Salvador
Hong Kong
Dominikanische Republik
Bosnien und Herzegowina
Arabische Emirate
Costa Rica
And two more:
USA-military (mil)
Old Arpanet-addresses (arpa)
Previous newsletters can be found in the newsletter archive.
Thank you very much for your attention. I'd very much appreciate your feedback and comments on the content presented. In case you know somebody who might be interested in this newsletter please recommend it or place a link to
best wishes from Vienna,