ALPINE ABRAZO 2014 Trailer by Stefan Ludwig:
Please download your personal copy of all the ALPINE ABRAZO 2015 welcome information as pdf here! You may print it for later reference or reading during your trip to Mallnitz!
Alpine Abrazo 2015 program:

Dancing & DJ-lineup
Die Eröffnungsmilonga am Donnerstag ist auch für nicht registrierte Tangotänzer offen, die restlichen Veranstaltung nur für registrierte Teilnehmer. Interessierte Nicht-Tänzer sind herzlich eingladen jederzeit vorbei zu schaun!
The Welcome Milonga on Thursday is open to guests and included for Alpine Abrazo participants. There will be a special treat as well: Each of our DJs will put music for about one hour - a perfect introduction of our DJ-lineup!
- Thursday night, 21:00-1:00
- Friday night, 21:00-4:00
- Saturday afternoon, 14:00-19:00
- Saturday night, 21:00-5:00
- Sunday afternoon, 14:00-19:00
- Sunday night, 21:00-1:00
Recommended Hiking Tour - Wolliger Hütte - Auernig

click to zoom
The initial plan was to do a different recommended hiking tour each time. But then things changed and now this is the same tour like last year, but then it is not the same. A very good friend of our family is the new tenant of Wolliger Hütte and please believe me when I tell you it will be a sensation to have your afternoon snack there. We think that some of his signature dishes could deserve chef caps. On the surface they seem to be simple, but the quality of the products used is sensational. Best parts of the venison delivered directly from the local hunter, blueberry pancake made by using unprocessed organic milk, super rich cream from the same milk and blueberries handpicked from ~1500m altitude behind the hut,..) So, I'll be there and I am looking forward to meeting you there as well.. : )
- Base Camp: Mallnitz village center (~1200)
- Camp 1: Wolliger Hütte (~1600)
- Peak 1: Auernig (2130)
You can start walking from the village center. For hiking to Wolliger Hütte or Auernig meeting at 10:00h at the village center (marked A on the map on the how to get there page) should be fine. For Wolliger Hütte only you could start later as well. Following walking times should be fine for average hikers:
- Mallnitz (1200) to Wolliger Hütte (1600) ~ 2 hours
- Base Camp: Wolliger Hütte (1600) to Auernig (2130) ~ 2 hours
- Auernig to Maresenspitz (check your maps ; )
If you make it up to Auernig you will be rewarded with an amazing top-down-view of Mallnitz lying to your feet. But also Wolliger Hütte by itself is a lovely hut offering very nice home made food, local products as well as a lovely view down to Obervellach. You could meet there in the afternoon to enjoy a typical local hut, food and hopefully a nice view!
Alternative - crossing over Auernig:
For rather experienced hikers you could take the "Jägersteig" (hunter's trail) going straight up from Mallnitz to Auernig. That's a steep trail and you need to have good shoes for that one. Then you can go down via Wolliger Hütte to join others coming from the other side.
Map for crossing over Auernig at
Catering - included dinners, food & drinks
Catering will be provided by Raineralm (a small local hut) and Hotel Albers (AMA certified).
Please note: We can not provide a buffet where everybody can have everything. We have to ask you to choose one of the given dishes for dinner.

Friday welcome snack 18:00-21:00:
- "Kärntner Kasnudeln" mit zerlassener Butter und Schnittlauch,
a local speciality home- and handmade by Raineralm using local products!
- "Kärntner Fleischnudeln" mit Sauerkraut,
a local speciality home- and handmade by Raineralm using local products!
- Salatbüffet / Salad buffet
- "Kletznudeln" for everybody who knows what it is and asks for it.. ; )
Friday midnight 1:00-2:00:
- Gulaschsuppe
goulash soup
- Erbsencremesuppe mit frischer Minze und Schwarzbrotchips
Cream of pea soup with fresh mint and bread crumbs
Saturday dinner 19:00-21:00:
Feines Hirschragout in der Preiselbeersauce, dazu Apfelrotkraut und Semmelterrine
Deer stew with lingonberry sauce, apple-red cabbage and bread dumpling terrine
Szegedinergulasch mit Tofu, dazu Petersilienkartoffeln und Sauerrahm
Goulash “Szegediner” style out of tofu, with parsley potatoes and sour cream
Pizza Calzone mit Blattspinat und Pilzen an Tomatenragout
Pizza calzone with leaf spinach, mushrooms and tomato ragout
- Salatbüffet / Salad buffet
Saturday midnight 1:00-2:00:
- Kartoffelcremesuppe mit geräucherten Putenstreifen und Kümmelstangerl
Potato cream soup with smoked turkey stripes and caraway sticks
- Klare Kirschparadeisersuppe mit Fadennudeln und Gemüsestreifen
Clear cherry-tomato soup with vermicelli and vegetable stripes
Sunday dinner 19:00-21:00:
Gekochtes Rinder-Hüferscherzel mit Wurzelgemüse und Semmelkren, dazu Röstkartoffeln
Prime boiled beef with root vegetables, bun horse radish and roast potatoes
Spargel-Karottenauflauf an Orangen-Hollandaise
Asparagus-carrots soufflé on orange-Hollandaise
Kohlroulade auf Karottenmousse
Cabbage roll on a mousse of carrots
- Salatbüffet / Salad buffet
In addition to the warm meals we will provide you throughout the marathon with:
- various cakes
- fresh fruits
- assorted cheeses
Non alcoholic beverages included throughout the marathon free of charge:
- Apple juice (100% fruit juice, direct pressed (not from concentrate), unfiltered)
- Pear juice (100% fruit juice, direct pressed (not from concentrate), unfiltered)
- Orange juice (100% fruit juice)
- Multi-vitamine juice (100% fruit juice)
- Selection of tea
- Coffee
- Mineral water
- Non-carbonated, unchlorinated spring water (maybe one of the best worldwide)
Alcoholic beverages can be obtained reasonably priced from our bar:
- Red wine
- White wine
- Saurus Merlot
- Saurus Malbec
- Muskateller
- Prosseco Valdobbiadene
- Beer
- Gin-Tonic
- Aperol Spritz

ALPINE ABRAZO 2014 Trailer by Stefan Ludwig: