The database receives small updates almost every day and sometimes multiple times per day. This changelog lists larger updates only which are announced via the DB-News. The database is operating since 2002, this changelog is starting with 2025.
(Sorted by newst update first)
2025-02-14 TangoTunes: Algo de Miguel | TANGO-DJ.AT: All Villasboas recordings
2025-02-07 LP transfers by collector Patrick Buchin (ongoing)
2025-02-03 Crackling Tunes: October Release
2025-01 Adding exclusive and unique first hand transfers from “Colección Anja y Florian” Munich
Crackling Tunes: September Release |
Bibletango: Eduardo Stubbs du Perron / Mario Melfi |
Contributions by collectors: Marco Morselli, Marco Sambo |