13 - 16 March 2014
- 6 invited DJs
- Program, Workshops, Milongas & locations
- Accommodation - Special deal with Hotel Klimt
- Food & Drinks (at Louis Braille Saal)
- Tango shopping corner
- Trailer of last year's INTERNATIONAL MILONGA
- Organization
- Bachar Bitar (Germany) invited by TANGO-DJ.AT
- David Mancini (Italy) invited by SaTho-Tango
- DJ Toncsi (Antónia Nagykáldi, Hungary) invited by Tangobar
- Fabiòla Loik (Italy), invited by TANGO-DJ.AT
- Goran Nikšic (Croatia), invited by TANGO-DJ.AT
- Theo "El Greco" (Greece/Italy) invited by TANGO-DJ.AT
Program, Milongas & locations:
- 12 March, 19:00-20:15, Workshops with David Mancini (IT)
- 13 March, 21:00-2:00: Thursday Milonga in cooperation with TANGOBAR
- 14 March, 14:00-20:00: Friday afternoon Milongain cooperation with SaTho Tango
- 14 March, 18:00-21:00: Workshops with Niko & Mary
- 14 March, Friday night International Milonga by TANGO-DJ.AT
- 15 March, Saturday afternoon Milonga by TANGO-DJ.AT
- 15 March, Saturday night Milonga by TANGO-DJ.AT in cooperation with MILONGA "El Firulete"
- 16 March, Sunday afternoon Milonga by TANGO-DJ.AT
Wednesday, 12 March 2014 afternoon (19:00-20:15):
Teachers: Daivd Mancini & SaTho Sabine
Organisation: SaTho-Tango
Gablenzgasse 33
1150 Wien
Workshop 1: 19:00 – 20:15 Uhr:
„Dynamical play with the Milonga- Rhythm“
Info und Anmeldung
Workshop 2: 20:30 – 21:45 Uhr:
„The piano play – funny Milonga steps“
Info und Anmeldung
Thursday, 13 March 2014 night (21:30-2:00):
Milonga in cooperation with TANGOBAR
DJ Toncsi (Antónia Nagykáldi, Hungary)
Albert Schweitzer Haus
Schwarzspanierstrasse 13
1090 Wien
Friday, 14 March 2014 afternoon (14:00-20:00):
Milonga in cooperation with SaTho Tango
DJ David Mancini (Italy)
Studio Barada
Robert-Hammerling-Gasse 1
1150 Wien
(1 min walk from subway station U1/U3 Westbahnhof)
If you confirm your participation for the Friday afternoon Milonga via the website tango-vienna.com you will get a drink for free!
Friday, 14 March 2014 Workshops mit Niko & Mary (18:00-21:00)
Teachers: Niko y Mary Tango
Louis Braille Saal
Hägelingasse 4-6
1140 Vienna
Workshop 1 (18:00-19:15):
Kette mit linken Drehungen und Richtungswechsel (Vals)
Chain of left turns and change of direction (Vals)
Workshop 2 (19:30-20:45):
Komplexe Sequenzen in geschlossener Umarmung (Tango)
Complex sequences in closed embrace (Tango)
20,- EUR 1 Workshop
35,- EUR 2 Workshops
Friday, 14 March 2014 night (21:00-4:00)
DJ: Bachar Bitar (Germany)
Louis Braille Saal
Hägelingasse 4-6
1140 Vienna
The location is offering 300m2 perfect wooden dance floor!
(subway U3 Hütteldorferstraße)
Saturday, 15 March 2014 afternoon (15:00-21:00)
DJ: Fabiòla Loik (Italy)
Louis Braille Saal
Hägelingasse 4-6
1140 Vienna
The location is offering 300m2 perfect wooden dance floor!
(subway U3 Hütteldorferstraße)
Saturday, 15 March 2014 night (21:00-4:00)
TANGO-DJ.AT in cooperation with MILONGA "El Firulete"
DJ: Theo "El Greco" (Greece/Italy)
Louis Braille Saal
Hägelingasse 4-6
1140 Vienna
The location is offering 300m2 perfect wooden dance floor!
(subway U3 Hütteldorferstraße)
Andrea & Nicolás will pause their regular Saturday night MILONGA "El Firulete" this Saturday in order to be with us!
Sunday, 16 March 2014 afternoon (14:00-20:00)
DJ: Goran Nikšic (Croatia)
Louis Braille Saal
Hägelingasse 4-6
1140 Vienna
The location is offering 300m2 perfect wooden dance floor!
(subway U3 Hütteldorferstraße)
We are very happy to be able to announce a cooperation with Hotel Klimt offering a fantastic deal for our Tango guests from abroad! Please let them know that you book your room for our Tango event and you will get those special conditions:
Breakfast for our Tangoguests will be served till 12:00h!
Special prices for our guests (per person and night)
Singleroom: 41,- EUR
Double room: 25,- EUR
3 bed room: 19,- EUR
4 bed room: 16,- EUR
5 bed room: 15,- EUR
4 person apartment: 22,- EUR
6 person apartment: 17,- EUR
7 person apartment: 16,- EUR
(apartments feature multiple rooms and kitchen facility)
Breakfast: 6,- EUR
14,80 EUR
Felbigergasse 58
A-1140 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0)1 914 55 65
Transfer is a 5 min, 3 stops ride opperated by tram 49 during daytime and nightbus N49 during nighttime!
Food & Drinks
Beate is going to offer a selection of delicious homemade Empanadas! (one of the best worldwide!)
We are managing the bar ourselves this time. Amazing quality for affordable prices..
TANGO-DJ.AT Bar specials:
- Organic beer: Marchfelder BIO-Bier
- Club Mate: great taste, few calories, rich in coffein - makes you go on
- SAURUS Merlot & Malbec (Argentine red wine)
- Gin Tonic to keep you creative (4cl Gordon or Hendricks!)
- Prosecco Valdobbiadene
- Natural fruit juices
- Tea & Coffee
- Homemade Empanadas:
Tango shopping corner
Salsa4you will offer their Tango shoes (Comme il fauts and more) for you on Friday and Saturday!
Susanne Köb will offer her Tango book "Tango macht glücklich".
TANGO-DJ.AT will display some special Tango-CDs and really cool Tango shirts.
Last year's International Milonga trailer
Organization & contact
Association for preservation and provision of Argentine tango