You can find extensive meta data information regarding this album Tango An Anthology CD 10 - The Lonely Years [The 1960s & 1970s] - Trios, Quartets and Quintets - Sony (88697903342-10) in the TANGO-DJ.AT Database. For supporting members this includes sound samples, cover pictures, booklet pages, artists, recording date, genre, composers, authors, catalog numbers, matriz numbers, publisher, publishing date and editorial comments. The links in the following tracklisting will take you directly to the album, or tracks in our database.

Tango An Anthology CD 10 - The Lonely Years [The 1960s & 1970s] - Trios, Quartets and Quintets - Sony (88697903342-10)

CD1Vida míaQuinteto RealTango
CD2Taquito militarQuinteto RealMilonga Nueva
CD3Hotel Victoria (Gran Hotel Victoria)Quinteto RealTango
CD4Tango del ecoQuinteto RealTango
CD5La loca de amorQuinteto RealVals
CD6El abrojitoQuinteto RealTango
CD7Orlando Goñi (A Orlando Goñi)Trío Federico-Berlingieri-CabarcosTango Nuevo
CD8PayadoraTrío Federico-Berlingieri-CabarcosMilonga Nueva
CD9BoedoTrío Federico-Berlingieri-CabarcosTango Nuevo
CD10Colorao, coloraoReynaldo Nichele y la Agrupación de Tango ModernoTango
CD11TemblandoReynaldo Nichele y la Agrupación de Tango ModernoVals
CD12El baqueanoReynaldo Nichele y la Agrupación de Tango ModernoTango
CD13Guardia viejaEl Cuarteto San TelmoTango
CD14AmuradoEl Cuarteto San TelmoTango
CD15Romance de barrioEl Cuarteto San TelmoVals

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