You can find extensive meta data information regarding this album Old World Tangos Vol. 3 - Polskie Tango 1929-1939 - Oriente RIEN CD 55 in the TANGO-DJ.AT Database. For supporting members this includes sound samples, cover pictures, booklet pages, artists, recording date, genre, composers, authors, catalog numbers, matriz numbers, publisher, publishing date and editorial comments. The links in the following tracklisting will take you directly to the album, or tracks in our database.

Old World Tangos Vol. 3 - Polskie Tango 1929-1939 - Oriente RIEN CD 55

CD1Tango dla Ciebie (This tango is for you)Adam Aston with Orchestra conducted by Henryk WarsTango
CD2Zagrajcie mi (Play for me, boys)Mieczysław Fogg with Orchestra "Syrena-Rekord" conducted by Henryk GoldTango
CD3Stara melodia (An old melody)Chór DanaTango
CD4Miły (Darling)Hanka Ordonówna and Chór DanaTango
CD5Ja znam Cię tyle lat (I've known you for so many years)Orchestra "Odeon" conducted by Arcadi Flato, Chorus by Stefan Nowita (Witas)Tango
CD6Noc księżycowa (Moonlight night)Chór JurandaTango
CD7TamaraAdam Aston with Orchestra conducted by Henryk WarsTango
CD8Serce matki (Mother's heart)Chór EryanaTango
CD9Za jedno małe słówko (Just for this one little word)Orchestra "Odeon" conducted by Władysław Eigera with a Chorus sung by Tadeusz FaliszewskiTango
CD10Najpiękniejsza signorina (The most beautiful signorina)Kazimierz Krukowski with Orchesta "Syrena-Rekord"Tango
CD11Hispano-Juif (Nie igraj seniorito) (Don't play with fire, señorita)Orchestra "Columbia" conducted by Henryk Gold with Chorus sung by Adam WińskiTango
CD12Znam Cię ze snów (I've met you in my dreams)Adam Aston with OrchestraTango
CD13Tango brazylijskie (Brasilian tango)Jerzy Czaplicki with Orchestra conducted by Areadi FlatoTango
CD14Meksykańskie Tango (Mexican tango)Mieczysław Fogg with Orchestra conducted by Henryk WarsTango
CD15Mała Włoszka z Milano (A little Italian lady from Milano)Janusz Popławski with Orchestra "Columbia"Tango
CD16Granada śpi (Granada is asleep)Orchestra "Odeon" conducted by Jerzy Gert, Chorus sung by Janusz PopławskiTango
CD17Bez śladu (Without a trace)Chór DanaTango
CD18Gdy odejdziesz (When you've gone away)Wiera Gran accompanied by Stanisław FerszkoTango
CD19Złudzenie (Illusion)Mieczysław Fogg with Orchestra "Syrena-Rekord" conducted by Henryk GoldTango
CD20Gdy radio w pokoiku gra (When radio plays in a little room)Orchestra "Odeon", Chorus sung by Albert HarrisTango
CD21Żegnaj (Farewell)Orchestra "Odeon" conducted by Arcadi Flato, Chorus sung by Stefan Nowita (Witas)Tango
CD22Oh, Donna ClaraColumbia-Tanz-Orchester mit Gesang: Willi KolloTango

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